
TIP: How To Make Any Foundation Less Cakey

3:22:00 PM

how to make any foundation less cakey: poshmakeupnstuff.blogspot.com
There are several reasons that lead to cakey foundation:

1. Skin is not properly prepped.
A lot of us tend to forget prepping our skin prior make up application. Most of us are in a hurry in the morning that we just don't have time for the 10-step skincare that Koreans normally do. Since the skin isn't properly prepped, it remains dry, cracked and uneven which can lead to patchy and cakey foundation.

2. Applying too much foundation.
Foundation helps us achieve a perfect complexion. However, piling on layers of it is not the way to achieve the flawless look we desire. Piling it on just makes it look cakey and fake. This also applies when it comes to retouching make up through out the day. Instead of using blotting papers to remove excess sebum, some women tend to pile on powder foundation whenever they start looking oily.

So basically to avoid the cakey look, here are my 3 basic tips:

1. Prep your skin.
Moisturise moisturise moisturise! Never forget to use a moisturiser especially during fall and winter seasons when our skin gets drier. Be generous and don't be afraid to layer it (essemce/serum + cream + mist). Wait for your skin to absorb the moisture before applying make up. Having hydrated and plump skin makes it the perfect canvass for a flawless foundation application.

2. Mix your favorite serum to your foundation.
how to make any foundation less cakey: poshmakeupnstuff.blogspot.com
This tip was given to me by an Estee Lauder beauty consultant. When I started doing this, it changed the finish of my foundation to a dewy, glowy finish.

I saw a video by Wayne Goss wherein he adds a drop of oil into his foundation. I tried this and sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't. I think it depends on the formulation of the foundation and  
the weather. When it's hot like hell outside, I prefer to add a lightweight moisturiser than oil in my foundation.

3. Apply with a damp sponge/brush.
how to make any foundation less cakey: poshmakeupnstuff.blogspot.com

Using a damp sponge also helps prevent cakey foundation since it tends to sheer it out. Apply it using a dabbing motion rather than rubbing it for better application. Lately, I prefer using cushion puffs in applying my foundation. I spray it with any mist I have then  dab the puff unto my face just like how I would do with a cushion foundation. It gives my foundation a dewy finish! 

If you're a brush gal, try spritzing the brush with a mist before blending your foundation. It helps blend it like a dream.

I hope you try these tips and let me kmow how it worked for you.

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Have a great day, gorgeous!

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